- Regular Government Employees joined on or after 01/02/2005(for All India Service Officer 01/01/2004).
- Letter for First Salary from SIU(or the case as applicable confirming its first salary in the State).
- ISS1 Form(Intersectoral Shifting form) for those employees who already have PRAN from his/her previous place of posting or job(not within the State Govt)(example for IAS : PRAN Card may be allotted at LBSNAA, IPS: SVPNPA etc or might be working in Bank or Corporate Sector)
- CSRF1(Common Subscriber Registration Form 1) to be submitted in all cases except for the last category.
- PPAN would be generated by the Treasuries based on the CSRF1 or ISS1 Form along with required annexures duly signed by DDO
- PPAN to be quoted in CSRF1 Form by Treasuries and to be forwarded to Treasuries in the following month without fail
- CSRF1 Forms after being processed by CRA-FC the PRAN would be generated and the PRAN KIT would be distributed to Treasuries
- PRAN KITS are to be further distributed to Subscribers, subscriber to ensure that it has correctly mapped with PPAN in CTMIS
Overview and Salient features
The Government of India (GOI) rolled out the NPS for all citizens of India from May 1, 2009 and Corporate sector from December, 2011.
The person (employee/citizen) who joins the NPS will be known as "Subscriber" in the NPS. Under the NPS, each Subscriber will open an account with Central Recordkeeping Agency (CRA) which will be identified through unique Permanent Retirement Account Number (PRAN).
Under NPS, two types of account would be available to subscribers i.e. Tier I & Tier II; Tier I account - where subscribers contribute his / her savings (may include employers contribution in case of Corporate sector) for retirement into a non-withdrawable account, and a Tier II account - a voluntary savings account from which subscribers are free to withdraw their savings whenever he wishes. The facility of Tier II account was made available from December 01, 2009 to All Citizens of India including Govt. employees and Corporate sector subscribers not mandatorily covered under NPS. An active Tier I account will be a pre requisite for opening of a Tier II.
Adoption Date of NPS for Government of Assam is 01/02/2005
Over all process flow for service

Eligibility Criteria:
- Not allowed for Regular Government Employees of Assam joining on or after 01/02/2005
- Opening of Individual Pension Account under NPS (only Tier I / Tier I & Tier II)
- Making initial and subsequent contribution to your Tier I as well as Tier II account
Fees including the payment mode
No fees is required. Subscriber shouldnot pay anything during initial registration
The Service charges as claimed by NSDL are borne though State Exchequer and paid centrally from DoAT
Accompanying Documents required
Annexures along with CSRF1- Letter from SIU
- Copy of Appointment Order
- Copy of PAN Card
- Copy of Bank Passbook
- Copy of Voter id Card
- Copy of HSLC Admit Card
How to apply
Apply through DDO to the respective Treasuries with CSRF1 and the related annexures
Important Time lines
- Due date: Before drawing of First salary.
- Time for processing: Within Three days of Submission of correct CSRF1 for PPAN generation at Treasury level.
Whether the service is Offline or Online
Service is offline
Whom to contact for any queries:
Level 1:-Treasury Officer
Level 2:-Director of Accounts & Treasuries, Assam